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Monday, June 6, 2011

poetry in motion

when we meet for the final face to face class we saw the movie poetry in motion. some of it was actually pretty interesting i like the part when the black fellow was talking about bob mnarley and his crew, i think it was anne waldman she was pretty out there i thought she was crazy when she read her poem she was really into it, the guy with the sissors i like how he used different inventions to make music and add to his poetry, he used the tie keyboard and those weird gloves that made noises. My favorite reading was of those 4 guys that made the wierdest nosies with there moths, it was ridicules they were reading of a paper and i couldn't even image what the paper said but surprisingly it  sounded ok

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

there it is

In the poem There it is by Jayne Cortez talks about how if we human beings don't fight for our rights and unite together we can not get it done, we will not be strong enough to fight the problems that Lay ahead. there will be many situations in this world where it will be important for us to band together and be one to stop the evil or even help out in times of need. Cortez is saying that if we don't do this in these desperate times then we will regret it with horrible looks of captivity, submission, suicide, fear and repression. all these things can be stop by working together. if we don't fight back against these things then we will have these negative looks forever


In the poem Harlem by langston hughes he is talking about what happens when you have dreams that are being halted, or forgotten or put on the back burner. There are many things that can happened with dreams that are deferred. personally i try and reach all my dreams so i don't have to look back in how ever many years and ask my self why i didn't do it. I like to live with no regrets so i always try and keep my dreams in front of me and complete them to the fullest. Hughes uses similes and metaphors to explain some different outcomes that could happen to peoples who have there dreams deferred. my favorite line in the poem is when he says "maybe it sags like a heavy load" this is the reason i go 100% in everything i do, if i don't I'm worried I'm going to have a heavy burden like this following me around.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Barbi Doll

In the poem barbi doll by an anonymous author its about a imperfect girl who is not happy with her looks. the author makes her out to be quit normal and that she does girl things like all the other ones. when she hits puberty she grows and matures and people start to notice that she has big nose and fat legs. i guess they were making fun of her for her looks. she was sick of how she was being treated so she killed herself. It seems a little far fetch that she cut her nose off i think and her legs i think thats ustthe way of the author saying she killed herself. I personally dont like he story because it was sad. i think its horrible when an individual kills themselves because of there looks or how there being treated,

Monday, April 25, 2011

Golden gate park

In this poem by Ferlinghette he talks about a couple taking a stroll in the meadows in the golden gate park. in the beginning the story everything seems normal about the couple walking together. They are both enjoying the beautiful enviroment they are surrounded by the man is walking with his flute prob not a care in the world while the women is feeding the squrieslls with grapes. I feel like the couple is very close but yet very seperated. when they sat down on the grass and began to peel the oranges and how Ferlingheette said they didnt look at each other to me it didnt seem like they where mad at each other or maybe only one was mad and made the whole day a little akward. It could have been that they were just so close to each other and loved each other. Towards the end it kinda turnd my opinion on the story for example when the man took off his shirt and fell alseep without saying anything made me think a little that he was mad or he had a problem with the women. At the end when he said "execpt a cetian awful look of terrible depresion" made it quite obvious that the man was not making the woman happy and she was very upset with him. its impossible to know what was the reason was but the man seemed like he wasnt loseing sleep over it.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


In this poem by Allen Ginsberg he is telling how he would ride the earth of dirt in comparison to do his laundry. In the beginning he says "id throw in my united states; this tells me that he is from the U.S this could be important because he is talking about many Nations in the poem so knowing where he is from could be important. He talks about cleaning the earth of dirt,sludge, and physical material. he describes how he wants to clean gunk of the sea floors and "rinse down the acid rain from over the Parthenon and the Sphinx these are examples of cleaning dirt of his laundry but the bigger stains come form more dangerous things then dust on a pipeline. He talks about Asia "id throw big Asia in one giant load and wash out all the blood and agent orange" he might be talking about all the violence and how they used agent orange against there people killing many. I definitely like this people because i can relate, i would like to do what Ginsberg is doing in this poem. Even though all this is impossible i think that's what makes it fun to think about.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

We eat out together: By Bernadette Mayer

Right form the start the Mayer states that the character heart is a fancy place referring to the person being accustomed to nice and expensive things, a dinner on a boat cruising down a river at night wouldn't be anything out of the ordinary. The one part i read that got my attention was when Mayer mentioned "even a tortured lamp served in pieces" the poem was going light and smooth and then all of a sudden a powerful word like torture is thrown in, I kinda like how she did that excited  up the story a little bit. Mayer makes is very apparent that's the couple are living lavish, well of with money and a little snobby.when she said "where entitled to see anytime" she was saying like how they can go eat on the river whenever they pleased and "publicly dishing out intimate luxuries" It seems like there hearts are like pots of gold.