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Wednesday, March 9, 2011


When I read this poem I missed alot of information that was hidden not only till I read it again did i uncover many images and symbols. In the poem the Fish by Elizabeth Bishop she gives images and symbols of her experiences on that lake with the tremendous fish. The words she uses gives me almost paints a picture in my head of how she felt, what the fish lookd like, and her settings surrounding her. Right of the bat she discribes the fish as tremendous this word isnt used alot unless the size of something really impresses the viewer so now I see the fish as unique. She discribes the fish as heavy, battered, and venerable she also added later in the poem that his eyes looked like tarnished tinfoil and looked like old scratched isinglass, and how "he didnt fight he hadn't faught at all" this might explain that the fish is old at the end of the line(no punn intended) almost ok with the situation he was in